
Wednesday, September 28, 2011


What does it mean to be legalistic? Do you know any legalistic Christians? Why do so many Christians feel comfortable in following law or rules? Why do so many Christians have a problem with grace? What does legalism do for Christians or the church? Is it harmful? How? Why? Can Chrisitans and churches change from a legalistic mindset to a grace oriented mindset? How? Have you seen a change within any Christians or Churches who were once legalistic and are now grace oriented? What happens to faith or relationship with Jesus when people follow the law or a set of rule? Is it easy to confuse conservatism with legalism? Why? Is there a difference? If so, what?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


What is sin? Are we born sinners? If we aren't born sinners at what age do we become sinners? Are there big sins and little sins or is all sin equal? How do we know if we sin? Can people go a length of time without sinning at all? Do we sin everyday? How are we forgiven of our sins? Is there a process? If so, what is it?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Meeting Physical Needs

In the bad U.S. economy is your church doing anything to help the unemployed, the homeless or those in need? Does your Church see it as an opportunity? Have you or your Church seen an increase in those asking for assistance? Why do some churches refuse to help people in need? In what ways can we help those in need? Do you believe we are to help those in need? Why or why not? Are churches missing an opportunity to be Jesus to those struggling right now? What is your church doing? What can churches do? What can you personally do? Did Jesus take of the physical before he got to the spiritual? Did he feed, then teach? Did Jesus heal, then forgive? Is there anything we can learn from the way Jesus met the needs of others? If so, what is it? Have you been turned away or blessed by the church when in need? If so, how? How can the church be a blessing to others right now during this difficult time?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Unforgivable Sin

Is there any sin that Jesus can't or won't forgive? If so, what? Why? Why are so many people afraid of committing an unforgivable sin?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Good News Turned Bad

You turn on the news and all you hear 99% of the time is bad news. What would good news be? The Bible talks about good news, tells Christian to preach the good news to all the world. What is the good news? Is the gospel and the good news the same or different? Why do some Christians make good news bad news? Which is more motivating, inspiring, life changing, good news or bad? Why too often are Christians known for preaching bad news? Should Christians focus more on the good news? Why or why not? For those of my readers who are not Christians would you be more motivated to listen to good news or bad news? What is more inspiring? Do you think Christians should be known for being messangers of good news in a world that is filled with so much bad news? What can Christians, Ministers, Churches do to shift their focus?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Friday, September 09, 2011

Do Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God?

Do Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God? Did all three religions come from Abraham and his descendants? The Jews have their prophets, Christians have their prophets and Muslim have their prophet but do they believe in the same God? Each group believes in different messangers but is the message the same? Is the message different? If so how? Is there an over all message in all three of these religions that is the same? Can and will these religions co-exist? Why or why not?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011


What is confession? What does it do for us? Does it help? How? Does your church practice confession? How? I know that people confess to God, others confess to priests, others confess to other believers, is there a risk when it comes to confession? If so, what? Have you ever confessed to someone and that person betray your trust or talk behind your back? When trust has been betrayed how does that affect confession? Is it a good thing to practice confession? Why or why not? In a survival of the fittest world in which we live is confession a sign of weakness? Is that why confession isn't practiced as much or talked about as much in Churches today? Should it be talked about and practiced more? Should there be rules when confessing to clergy and other Christians. Should their be liability on the part of others who break confidentiality? Do you practice confession? What has confession done for you?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

IF You Could Change One Thing...

If you could change one thing about Church what would it be?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Saturday, September 03, 2011

Amazing Grace

I sang Amazing Grace growing up at church almost every Sunday. We hear the song on some T.V. commercials, sing it at funerals as well. What is so amazing about grace? What is grace? How does the Bible define grace? Are we saved by grace? How? Why do some have such a problem with believing that grace saves? What is it that grace does for people and for Christians? Does it motivate, provoke, work? If so how? Do you believe we are saved by grace? Why or why not? Does your church believe and preach the grace of God? Why or why not? How does your church show grace to others? Do churches grow, increase in spirituality and numerically when grace is accepted and lived out? Have you seen it? How? What has grace done for you? How can we demonstrate grace to those around us?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Thursday, September 01, 2011

The Danger of Asking The Tough Questions

What do we do when we question and find out what we have been taught about faith, religion or God is wrong? How can we change? Does it come easy? What can be the consequences of changing thought and practice once we have discovered something wrong with our views on faith, religion or God? What if it was something that would go against your families beliefs and practices? Is there a certain danger in asking the questions? Have you ever expereinced any of this in your life and faith? What did it do for you as a person? Your faith? Is there a danger of your friends, family, church turning on you for questioning and or changing a view or idea or practice? Have you had that happen? What did you do? How did you handle it?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.