
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thoughts on Faith Part 5!

What kind of God do we believe in? What does that say about us and our faith? Do we put limits and expectations on God and faith? Why? Should we limit God or put him in our own box? When believers limit God or put him in a box what does that say about our faith? Why are some believers more legalistic than others and how does that play a role in the faith of others?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Thoughts on Faith Part 4!

Why do you believe in God? What benefits have you seen in believing? What if you put your faith in God only to find out that he never existed, just a myth like Santa Clause, Tooth Fairy or Easter Bunny? Can we know for sure that there is a God? How? Can you prove God exists? Should we try? If God does exist, does God want Christians to prove His existance? Why or Why not?
What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Thoughts On Faith Part 3!

When it comes to faith, who do we put our faith in? Is it God? The Trinity? The Bible? The Church? Can we have faith without excepting the Bible as the inspired Word of God? Can we have faith in God and not the Trinity? Can you have faith without putting your faith in the Church? Do some have more faith in the Bible than they do God? Why? Do some put their faith in the church moreso than God? Why? Can we have faith in ourselves and God? Is that faith? Can we have faith in God without being a prayerful person or a person in the Word?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts?