Dr. Lynn Anderson, in his book,
In Search of Wonder, says, "Worship is fundamentally praise: it is our response to God for who He is and what he has done."
I believe that we as Christians need to understand that worship is about God. It is our expression of thanksgiving for what God has done in our lives.
I enjoy worshiping God. I believe the more we worship God the more we know Him and the more authentic our relationship becomes. The more we worship God, the more we can truely say, like Isaiah said, "I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God" (Isa. 61:10).
The following are some great quotes on worship from
In Search of Wonder:
"Vertical words of worship are meaningless if they are not matched by worship as a lifestyle of compassion and holiness." -Dr. Lynn Anderson
"In worship we remember who we are by remembering that God is the ultimate reality."- Mike Cope
" Since the totality of human reality includes the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, so must our worship."- Randy Harris
"Worship that is not relevant is not biblical."- Rubel Shelly
"The ultimate intent of Scripture is not shame us, but to inspire us." - Harold Shank
"In the Lord's Supper, we remember- we reexperience-the death of Jesus. God breaks in and shows us his world. In partaking, we not only signify Christ's body and blood, we participate in them. And we make a covenant that we will embody his sacrifical life." - Jack Reese
"Finding God seeking us. This is worship." -Max Lucado
How would you define worship? Do you think it is easy not to focus on God and focus on self when worshipping (ie: what can I get out of it)? What do you enjoy about your personal worship time with God? Do you agree that the more we worship God the deeper and more authentic our relationship with Him becomes? Does worship change us? How? What do you enjoy about the worship at your congregation? Is their a worship experience that you would like to share.
What do you think?
Share your thoughts.