Now that I am taking a sabbatical from full time ministry I have had the opportunity to visit many different churches. I have been able to see whether churches see the importance of being relevant and
missional in the way they approach outsiders. I have found that many churches want to be relevant and
missional but some are so steeped in tradition and program mentality outreach, that they are unwilling to change. Other churches I have visited are afraid of loosing members and financial contributors for the sake of being relevant and
missional in their communities and neighborhoods. Yet there are many churches that I have visited that are simply putting their faith in God, being relevant and
missional and are seeing true Kingdom growth.
What does it mean to be relevant and missional for the church in our culture? Is it important for churches to be relevant and missional today? Why or why not? Why is there a fear of being relevant and missional in some churches today? What does it take for churches to be relevant and missional in our world today? Why is it so hard to change a churches mentality from being internally focused to being outwardly focused? How can churches be more relevant and missional? How about your church? What is your church doing to be more relevant and missional?
What do you think?
Share your thoughts.