
Monday, March 29, 2010

Thoughts on Scripture

Conservative Christians usually tend to approach the Biblical text analytically. We break it down into chapters, paragraphs, verses, sentences, clauses, phrases, words, prefixes, roots, suffixes, jots and titles. In doing so do we strip the Word of God of all mystery? Is it important on how we approach the Biblical text? Do we approach the text to try to "prove" a point, doctrine, or oppinion? Or do we approach the text holistically? Do often as believers try to say that the word of God can be easily understood? Do we commodify the Bible to other modern products, its easy! Fast! Convenient!? Is it??? Is there passages that bother, confuse or concern you? Should we approach the text with a missional approach? What you are and suppose to be and do? Should we drop proof texting? Should we focus on the big story, always moving toward our place in its ongoing trajectory? Do we value marginalized readers and readings? Do we think of the Bible as a book of answers and questions? Does we allow the text to motivate us to go deeper becoming students, seekers and learners?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Kingdom of God

What is the kingom about? Are we missing the point? Is the Kingdom only here on earth? Is it about heaven only? Or both? What is the kingdom about?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Salvation From What???

What is the point of Salvation? Is it to save an individual from hell? Or is there more to Salvation? Is Salvation a one-time experience or a lifelong journey? Is it about rescue from your uncomfortable circumstances, or rescue from this world after death? Or is about being rescued from a life that is rescued from a life that is disconnected from God and God's adventure, both in this life and the next? What are we saved from and for? To what degree is salvation from fear of death important important to you? How can we as believers live what we believe about salvation?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.