
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How Does The Church Treat Their Ministers

I think it is important how a church treats their ministers. It can either help or hinder the future of the church. I have had some rough experiences in ministry (a stalker, elders and staff that didn't support or encourage, congregations who paid bare minimum, no health insurance, elders who didn't lead or Shepherd, slander, typical church politics, hidden agendas, unrealistic expectations, and on and on).

My home congregation treats their ministers wonderfully. I have been blessed by my home congregation as they have supported and prayed for me while going through my illness. I am thankful for them and all the other congregations who have been there for us. I know of ministers who have had a great, wonderful experience in ministry. If so please share your experience with us. I enjoy preaching, teaching, baptizing, weddings and challenging people to grow, change, have that personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I just had a very difficult time so far in full time ministry. I believe the church needs to be a safe place. A place of love and support. A place of enrichment and fulfillment for them and their families. A place where they are taken care of by physically and spiritually. I think if more ministers had great experiences in ministry we would have less ministers burning out, leaving ministry and discouraging their children from becoming ministers themselves.

Questions for discussion: So, how do should treat their minister ministers? How have you been treated in ministry by the church? How does the way the church treat their ministers play a role in the future of the church? What would you change in how the church treats their ministers?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Who Has Influenced Your Theology?

Who has influenced your theology? How and why?

Share your thoughts.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Changing To Meet the Challenges of the 21 Century

The church from the first century on has changed in a dramatic way. I think the church has changed over the centuries in order to survive and meet the needs in that particular culture. I believe that Christ wants us to change when we meet Him and to do what we can as believers to reach out to those who need Him. He doesn't expect us to stay comfortable. He demands we get out of our comfort zones and take up our crosses for Him. I strongly believe that this could be century where believers and the church can made a true, dynamic, authentic influence on the world. In order to do so we must be willing to bring the church and other believers into the 21st century. We cannot live isolated. We cannot live sheltered. We must get out and live Jesus Christ to everyone we meet. Living a life of love, mercy, forgivness, patience, and grace.

Do you agree that if the church is to survive then it must change and be willing and ready to meet the challenges of this century? When I say change I don't necessarialy mean mechanics or outward appearances (which may change if need) but inner beauty and life of every member of the body of Christ. Do you think that the church needs to change inwardly as well as outwardly to meet the challenges of the 21st century? What challenges do you personally think we will face as believers and the church this century? How should the church change this next century? How would you like to see it change? What is your church doing now that is reaching believers and non believers?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Friday, August 07, 2009

What does it mean to be a true believer?

What does it mean to be a true believer?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Discussing Taboo Topics

There are some topics that are taboo to Christians and ministers to preach or address in church. I do think there is a time for everything to be discussed under heaven and that if God mentioned it to his people it should be addressed from time to time to 21st century believers as well. The taboo topic of incest was important enough for God to address to his people. God stressed that it was sin against Him and to those within the family unit as well (see Lev.18,19). The church in Corinth also had a situation between a mother and son that needed addressing. Do we wait to address the topic because of some believer who is caught in a forbidden relationship or do we discuss, teach, preach, educate, offer counseling if needed to believers?

Questions for discussion: Have you heard the topic of incest preached or discussed at church? Should it be? Why or why not? How should the church view taboo topics such as incest? What happens when we ignore something that God condemns in scripture? Is incest a problem that you see within churches in America as it was in Corinth? Should the church offer counseling to those who are victims of incest?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.