
Saturday, December 30, 2006

Who you are in Christ

The Holy, Mighty, Powerful, Creator, God has allowed you and I the priviledge to call Him Father. Think about that for a minute. Listen to Galatians 3:26-27, "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.." Let it soak in. Father. If you are a Christian you are His son or daughter. You have a Father relationship with God. You can call God dad. The relationship you have with God is a love relationship with a Father who loves you more that you can begin to understand or even imagine.

So the questions I have are:
Knowing that we are sons and daughters of God, how should that affect our view our of God? How should that affect our prayer lives? The amount we spend in His Word? Affect our worship? Our faith? How we live? How? Why?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Thoughts on Suffering

I think of Adam, Eve, Cain, Naomi, David, Job, Paul, and countless others. Every single one of us faces suffering in life.
The questions I have are: why do we suffer? Is it holier to suffer than not to suffer? Why or Why not? Are we wasting anything if do not use pain to grow? If we fail to grow as a result of suffering are we doomed to relearned the lesson we should have learned from the suffering in the first place? What is the difference between the faiths of those who grow from their suffering verses those who do not?

What do you think?
Share your thoughts.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Preacherman Returns

It feels so good to be home. I want thank everyone for the thoughts, prayers and everything else. God is so good. He has indeed has been answering prayers. I am blessed and thankful that I am at a church that is willing to give me the time I need to heal and recover. I still feel numb in my legs from my toes to my hips and from finger tips to my shoulders. My torso is still also very weak. I am using a walker for short distances and wheel chair. I have been getting stronger and stronger everyday and for that I praise God. I will be going to physical therapy three days a week. It is going to be a long road of continued healing and recovery,so I ask that you continue to pray for me and my family. I have greatly missed the blogging. I will blog as often as I have strength and time allows. It feels good to be back blogging.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Answering Bill's Question

Financial Contributions can be sent to either:

The Kinney Mabry Fund
c/o Peoples' State Bank
Rocksprings, TX 78880

(No, you don't need a P.O. Box, it will be delivered because there are only about 2000 people in our county and this is the only bank.)


The Kinney Mabry Fund
c/o Rocksprings Church of Christ
P.O. Box 785
Rocksprings, TX 78880

Thank you for asking. If you have any questions about anything or need to check things out regarding the fund and its use, you may find the banks' number (Sorry, I'm in Kerrville at the hospital or I would give it to you) via information (Area code 830) or Jay Adams who is the Treasurer of the church monies.

All contributions will be used for medical bills and travel to therapy unless otherwise specified.
Thank you all so much for everything.

Love & Blessings,
Mrs. Preacherman (Theressa "Tess" Mabry)

Friday, December 08, 2006

Preacherman is Coming Home

Preacherman is coming home on Wednesday the 13th!

His recovery has been phenomenal. He is still weak on his left side and needs a walker for short distances and a wheelchair for long ones, but God sure does provide!

His knee brace for his weak leg is being donated. Kind people have donated medical equipment to borrow including the wheelchair and people have donated enought money to keep me traveling from home to the hospital (77 miles one way) everyday.

The medical fund has been set up at People's State Bank, Rocksprings, Texas 7888o. Thank you to those who have already helped us out through prayers, donations and emotional support.

We are called to be interdependent as opposed to independent. It is a good concept for a nation, but not for God's people. Thank you to everyone who understand the needs of Helpers who suddenly become Helpees. It's something I'm learning from God in this situation.
Everything to his glory, including our weakness.

Love & Blessings
Mrs. Preacherman

Sunday, December 03, 2006

All I Want for Christmas

All I want for Christmas is Kinney at home.

He is progressing. He has a lot more strength in his arms now and can use the wheel chair sparingly.

He is still very weak, but can also use a walker although his mid-section still has no feeling.

He is "tingly" in his hands and arms as well as his feet and legs.
The therapists and doctors say that Guillian-Barre patients have setbacks if they work too hard and Kinney has got to learn to take it easy or he will have to take 2 steps back in his progress.

Many have asked if there is anything they can do besides pray. If you have it on your heart to do so, a friend set up an account for our medical expenses at the local bank in Rocksprings. I'm sorry I don't have more info about it, but I'll get the details from him and let you know.

You may also wish to send him card or letter. He is in Sid Peterson Hospital Room 708A Kerrville, TX (not sure of the zip) or to our home PO Box 785 Rocksprings, TX 78880.

Love and belssings to you all
Mrs. Preacherman